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Friday, February 17, 2012

Tips for Make a exercise habit

1. Schedule Your Workout. Find a time of day that will work for you. Determine whether that is in the morning, afternoon, or evening. If you plan a time to workout, it will increase the odds that you will follow through.
2. Remind Yourself. Place the event on your gmail or outlook calender so it reminds you 30 minutes before the event or leave a post-it note on your desk.
3. Start small. If you over do it, you will risk burnout and quitting your new workout routine.
4. If you find you hate running on a treadmill, guess what, that probably won’t change and soon you will not be working out at all. Find something you enjoy to do!
After just 25 minutes of exercise, your mood improves, you are less stressed, you have more energy, and you’ll be motivated to exercise again tomorrow.
5. Just get started and take action. Don’t sit around debating whether you are going to workout or not, just get to the gym.
6. Rest. Many people overstrain their bodies and do not see the progress they want to see. Be sure you are getting the rest you need to recover.
7 Consistency is key, so do not to skip a single scheduled workout day. If your plan is to workout 3 days per week, 4 days per week or more, just stick with whatever your goal is.
However, interventions based on cognitive approaches, which try to change knowledge and attitudes, did not improve physical activity.
The common approach is to try and change people's attitudes or beliefs about exercise and why it's important, but that information isn't motivating. We can't 'think' ourselves into being more active," he said.

Here are some tips to help you make exercise a daily habit: