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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Swimming exercise

Swimming exercise is an activity that benefits your health. It benefits young and old. It is a great recreational activity for the whole family.
Swimming exercise is known to be one of the best and the most effective aerobic exercises. It’s also considered as fat burring exercise. In swimming exercise all your major muscle groups without actually putting any excessive pressure on your joints are in use.
For a healthy living, along with balanced diet and rest, exercises also form an important part of our lives. Be it weight loss, coming into shape, muscle building, improving endurance or whatever...! There are several exercise programs that help us in achieving our goals in the planned time frame. One such exercise, which seems to be forgotten in the course of our hectic lives is swimming exercise.
Swimming exercise is a great form of exercise because water resistance gives muscles a greater workout and the cooling effects of water encourages exercisers to exercise longer. Swimming exercise is also a very good fat burning exercise. It helps to reduce fats from many parts of the body. About 45 minutes of swimming exercise burns about 450 calories.
Swimming exercise also places a vigorous demand on your heart and lungs. Swimming exercise is better then other exercises because Water-cools the body much faster than air and most researchers believe that subsequently the body aims to maintain a layer of fat under the skin for insulation. Swimming exercise is also popular with people who are extremely overweighed, pregnant, or suffering from some kind of injury.
Swimming exercise is a good aerobic exercise, especially if you are just starting a workout program. But it is not a good way to lose weight. You can lose weight swimming exercise; you just won't lose weight as fast as with running or using a treadmill.
Swimming exercise is considered as the complete and safest exercise because it does not put any stress on the joints or muscles. The risk of injury is also very less in this exercise. It is also good for weight loss and for relieving migraine and anxiety.
If you have an injury to your leg or knee and can't put weight on your leg, then swimming exercise can help you. Water aerobics can give you an excellent workout and help you make social contacts.
Swimming exercise will increase your endurance, tone your muscles and help your heart. It can be used as a warm up session before a more rigorous out of the water workout. After an exercise on a treadmill or bicycle, it can help you cool down.
If you want to swim competitively, you should consider the following: 1. Set a realistic goal. Establish goals for each workout.
2. Set up a weekly training schedule.
3. If possible join a local swim club. It will get you into a routine and can also provide some social interaction.
4. Acquire the needed equipment like goggles, a waterproof wristwatch and a swim cap. Some pools have workout gear, like pull buoys, paddles and kick boards available that can benefit your swimming exercise technique. Before you start with swimming exercise, especially competitive swimming exercise, make sure you are in good health. You might want to check with your doctor.
Swimming exercise plays an important role in strengthening, conditioning and toning the body.