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Friday, February 17, 2012

Guideline for jogging exercise

Guidline for jogging exercise -
1. A warm-up session is essential before jogging exercise.
2. Choose the right shoe else your jogging exercise can turn into a nightmare. Choose a shoe with the right cushioning, ample toe space and that which gives a comfortable fitting at the heel.
3. Do not bend forward while jogging exercise. Instead keep your chest open and relax your shoulders.
4. Keep your head up and eyes focused in front of you. Do not look downwards as this will lead to back and neck pain.
5. The arms have to be kept close to the body while jogging exercise and also remember to swing the arms forward and backward.
6. Do not clinch your fists while jogging exercise.
7. Never bend too much on your back, this will lead to hip and back pain.
8. Remember to lift your knee to the front and pull out the balance length of the leg towards the back.
9. Learn to land on your heel first and then place the rest of the foot.
10. Start off to jog using the balls of your feet.
Safe jogging exercisePeople tend to get over enthusiastic within a few days of their jogging exercise sessions, they tend to overdo and thus get injured. Safety is also equally important for joggers, listed below are safety tips for joggers:
1. Begin jogging exercise slowly and gradually increase the speed.
2. Wear the right shoes; else you will develop blisters on your feet.
3. Always jog facing the traffic.
4. Never jog in the dark.
5. Try to jog with a companion.
6. Avoid jogging exercise in a lonely area.
7. Carry your hand phone while you go out jogging exercise.
8. Wear bright colour clothes to enhance visibility.
10. jogging exercise is a wonderful way to improve physical fitness, bone density and cardiovascular health.
11. Number of calories burnt is more when compared to walking.
12. While jogging exercise the muscles of the body is put to work thus burning excess fat, this stimulates weight loss (calories burnt are in kilojoules).
13. jogging exercise boosts stamina and energy levels.
14. jogging exercise lowers blood pressure thus reducing risks of heart attack.
15. Helps in the initial stages of diabetes and osteoporosis.
16. Brings down the risk of breast cancer and strokes.
17. While jogging exercise the body releases natural endorphins thereby helping to reduce depression and gain control over mood swings.
18. Overall metabolism of the body is improved thereby resulting in weight loss.
Next is to realize that when you start running on a regular basis, your appetite will increase considerably. Some people try to lose weight by decreasing their calorie intake when starting a running program, but this can be difficult. Don’t worry about how much you eat until your running habit has been somewhat solidified. Once that happens, you can start tweaking your diet to increase weight loss. Many people find that running on a regular basis is all they really need to get in shape and lose the weight they want. Dieting becomes unimportant.
One of the important things to remember when you are beginning a exercise program is to find good supportive footwear. Ordinary sneakers usually don't provide enough support for your feet. Look for a shoe that is intended for runners or joggers for best results. Before beginning any type of exercise routine, you should take time to warm up. Starting out with a fast pace can cause damage to cold muscles.
Talking about jogging exercise tips, some of the things that are needed to focused on are the proper fitness outfit, right time of doing the jogging exercise and the level of acceleration that your need especially when you are just a beginner. Being comfortable is important when you opt to jogging exercise. Get yourself fit and comfy jogging exercise shoes that won’t sore your feet out while you are doing your exercise. Select the shoes that have good quality. jogging exercise clothes are preferably those fitness clothes that are made of spandex and cottony material to allow stretchable and fit felling to your body.
jogging exercise is one of the most popular forms of exercise for most of us. Jogging exercise is healthy, strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps in weight loss, prevents excessive weight gain and most importantly it is complete fun. jogging exercise is one of the best and healthiest sports. It strengthens the muscles and the cardiovascular system, increases fitness levels and burns calories. It is best way of relieving stress and it increases stamina. You do not need to invest in any exercise equipment for this effective exercise. But, are there any specific jogging exercise tips and tricks? Or all you need to do is wake up, not necessarily in the early morning, put on your jogging exercise gear and just start running and jogging exercise on that lonely street! Let us have a look at a few jogging exercise tips and tricks.