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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Diet for exercise

Diets that concentrate on eating only particular types of food are usually a bad idea as well. For instance, the Atkins diet completely cut carbohydrates out of a person 's daily nutrition. This is a terrible thing to do. You do not want to take any important nutritional supplement out of your diet; rather you will want to limit its intake if anything. It is not a medical fact that being thin makes you healthy. As a matter of fact, that is very far from the truth. However, being obese is in general terrible for any person 's body. The best weight loss plan should not put your health at risk in any way. The best weight loss program should be the right balance of healthy foods and exercise. A weight loss plan that brings in some sort of balance will surely let a person attain their ideal body mass index.
People of all ages and physical conditions can benefit from exercise and physical activity. And research has shown that physical activity can slow down some aspects of the aging process.
Meals replete with vegetables, fruits and whole grains and a small serving of a protein-rich food remain the gold standard of a wholesome diet. Still, at both ends of the age spectrum as well as in between, recent months have held some new findings — and some surprises — that are worth noting.
A healthy nutritious diet and an active exercise program have been proven to help women reach their desired weight. But the best results are achieved by those women who consistently stick to their diet and exercise and who maintain a journal to record their results.
The best weight loss program will involve a diet that includes food with all the nutrients in the food pyramid. The best weight loss plan will also involve the proper exercise and rest for your body to work properly. When you body is working properly it will burn excess fats more efficiently and allow you to succeed with weight loss.
There are thousands and thousands of opinions about what kind of food is good or healthy for us to eat. Some fight for low fat diets, other for low carb diets. Some even fight for a meat, dairy or flower free diet. Some eat nothing but raw food, others eat nothing but meat. No wonder people get confused.
1.            Stop eating candy, treats, and other things that are filled with sugar or sweeteners. Be careful with artificial sweeteners as well, and it does not hurt to reduce the usage of natural sweeteners as well, as it keeps the body in sugar mode. Eat pure and lean food. No products filled with starch and what not. A norwegian fish finger is by example 5% fish, and not the good kind. The fish used is what is left when the fish has been slayed. So it contains both eyes, fins and all the other stuff. The rest is starch, like fine flower, spices, and crust made from fine bread. Not at all healthy.
2.            I know it sounds lame but…EAT YOUR VEGGIES! They’re good for you!
3.            Limit your fruit intake, and eat your fruit with some fat, like 4-5 brazil nuts or almonds. Fruit is mostly sugar, so it is not as good for us as we might think, and the few vitamins in it can only be used by the body if it is beeing eaten with some fat.
4.            Drink water. It’s good for you, and no – you won’t throw up!


Unknown said...

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